Everything You Need To Know About Water Level Controller and Indicators
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- InKtronics
Water is a precious commodity today. The scarcity of water and its impacts is being felt across the globe, necessitating a reliable and efficient system that is capable of gauging and managing the level of water in water tanks.
Automatic Water level controllers and indicators in Chennai and Tamilnadu are becoming increasingly important. No wonder there’s a high demand for the best water level controllers and indicators in Chennai.
Water Level Controller and Indicator – the Fundamentals
Any modern residential or commercial building uses water, which is pumped up to the overhead tanks by using electric motors. With water scarcity forcing private and public entities to restrict its use, controlling water pumps has become vital to avoid wastage of water. Here’s where the water tank level controller and indicators in Chennai play a crucial role.
A water level indicator is an automatic monitoring system. When the level of water exceeds a certain limit, the pump will be automatically turned off, thus preventing water from overflowing.
Similarly, when the water level in the tank falls below a certain limit, the motor pump is automatically turned on, to refill the water in the tank to the required level.
How Does the Water Level Indicator Work?
A water level indicator makes use of a simple mechanism for detecting and indicating water level in a water tank. The indicator employs a combination of float switches or probe sensors to sense the water level. There are water level controller manufacturing companies in Chennai that supply the most reliable systems to gauge and manage water level efficiently.
The main components of a water level controller and indicator system are the indicator sensor and a control panel that responds to the detection of the indicator. A combination of low and high sensors is used to detect the water level. This conveys the information about the water level to the control panel (when it is low or high). Depending on this detection and information, the control panel automatically shuts off or turns on the pump.
When the water level in the storage tank is just full, nothing happens. When the level drops to a reference point, an alarm is triggered, initializing the fill start process. Once the water level reaches the full limit, fill stop gets triggered, thus automatically shutting off the pump. This alternate switching on and turning off process goes on cyclically unless intervened manually.
Application of Water Level Indicator and Controller
Water level controller and indicator finds use in numerous premises, afew are mentioned below:
- Homes
- Hotels,
- Commercial complexes,
- Factories
- Open wells,
- Bore wells
Easy to install and maintain, automatic water tank level controller and indicators in Chennai are beneficial in many ways. These systems help to conserve water, which is a precious resource in the modern world.
A top water level controller and indicator company in Chennai will help you to design and manufacture a reliable and cost-effective water level controller and indicator. If you are looking for the top quality water level indicator and sensor in Chennai, approach us.
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